Kategorie: Baalor

The mighty Fíorfomor Baalor, called the Eye in the Ice by his followers and the Destroyer of the North by his foes, leads his Fomoraic war-hosts from the bleak fortress of Toraigh against the weakling above-creatures to fulfil his ancient duty to the Fomor below the waves. He brings them meat and slaves as they desire and harvests the sun-skins as they themselves harvest wheat, and yet he delights most in the subjugation of those who would resist the inexorable rise of the sea-demons, the turning of man and beast and the strife they bring in turn to their kindreds. Heralded by the freezing mists and the snow and ice of unnatural winter that descends upon the lands, these hosts of Baalor are nigh-unstoppable, for the cold calculations of their human warriors and the unbridled ferocity of their bestial warbands ensure those armies that stand against them - even if they should win the field - know that the Fomoraic's assaults on their lands will never stop, even if it should take a thousand years to their triumph.
