Kolekce: Conand

With his brother Baalor forgetting his debt to the sea, it is Conand that dominates beneath the waves from his fortress in Doggard. A Fíorfomor of the abyssal deeps, Conand rarely ventures to the surface and to the land, yet needs captives and food for his kin: and so he sends his anglers, his crab-men and his whale-men and his gill-men, to plunder the towns along the coasts and to pull ships beneath the waves. Many believe Conand a greater threat than Baalor, for at least the Eye in the Ice is tied to one place, threatening as it is - but Conand's realm is extensive and unknowable, at least to those upon the land, for all sea-farers and coast-dwellers know that his warriors cannot be seen or predicted until it is too late. All should fear Conand, for he is the true devil that lurks in the seas.
