Collectie: Beornica

Together with the Dēora, the Beornice - the people of Beornica - lived as pagans and shape-shifters, as their ancestors had done for centuries; but once King Æthelfrith united his kingdom with Dēra the religion of Christ began to take hold, and its priests slowly exerted their influence to alter laws and favour the nailed god over the old gods.

Over a period of fifty years the pagan Beornice, the Werberas and their larger, wilder kin were heavily persecuted by the followers of the one god, especially once the royalty of Northumbria were baptised. Whilst their resistance was strong initially, the pagans and the wildmen were few in number and most simply fled to the south, where their cousins the Miercna welcomed them; for they are still proud and strong, man-bears and slayer-bears and murder-bears, devastating warriors in their own right.
